The workshop is being organised by Coal Services which formed a Standing Committee on Dust Research and Control in 1997 that included a watching brief on diesel particulate. A Diesel Particulate Sub-Committee ran the first Diesel Particulate Seminar in NSW in 1998, the first attempt in the Australian mining industry to focus on this emerging issue.
In 1999 the Sub-Committee produced a booklet “Diesel Particulate in Coal Mines” and a video “Diesel Particulate-Clearing the Air” to promote a better understanding of the hazards and appropriate control methods associated with diesel particulate in the coal mining industry.
Speakers include Brian Davies who will provide an overseas update and talk about Disposable Exhaust Filter Research. Phil Berriman outlines Emerging Technology Managing Emissions. Alan Rogers and Gary Mace will discuss Diesel Particulate Exposure Monitoring in Australia.
For information on attending contact Paul Junee,