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The department's snapshot of mental health in mining industry workplaces in WA between 2015 and 2018 shows that of the 33 incidences affecting workers mental health; 73% were potentially serious while 21% involved heavy earth moving equipment.
Also, 3% of incidences involved an outbreak of fire.
Of the 10 mental health-related injuries incurred, eight were serious while seven resulted in lost time.
There is a big push in WA for mentally healthy workplaces, especially in the mining industry, where stress and suicide are ever-present hazards.
Miners are thought to be more susceptible to mental-health risks as they are sometimes exposed to factors not conducive to good mental health such as fatigue, unsociable working hours, bullying, aggression, violence, working alone, alcohol and drugs.
Of the 117 complaints made 55% related to concerns of bullying and abuse.
Of these 65 complaints, 35 were related to safety culture, nine to fatigue and rostering and eight to living conditions.
In the three-year period there were 7045 notifiable incidents related to health overall in the industry and 3485 injuries and 237 complaints were received.
DMIRS' advice for a mentally-healthy workplace includes maintaining good, mutually respectful relationships with work colleagues.
The department said that workers who saw colleagues struggling with their workload should offer to help them, as it showed them they were part of the team.
It said workers should also not be afraid to ask for help if things got tough.
• If you or someone you know is struggling at the moment please get help from National 24/7 Crisis Services like Lifeline 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.