In an alert issued last week, MSHA said an experienced electrician had been fatally shocked while demonstrating the use of a high-voltage cable testing device.
Several similar non-fatal accidents had been reported.
The device, known as a “thumper”, can produce a high-energy pulse at up to 10,000V, making it capable of producing lethal electric shocks.
The safety agency said that during the demonstration, the victim apparently made contact with an energised component of the test unit.
“The accident may have been prevented if the victim had been wearing suitable high-voltage gloves,” MSHA said.
Best practices for the use of high-voltage testing devices include having them operated only by qualified electricians; following the manufacturer’s instructions; and wearing suitable high-voltage electrical gloves.
Also, frame-grounding cords and connectors should be connected to a proper grounding medium before the unit is turned on.
These devices should be stored in a secure location, and should be accessible only to qualified electricians.