Mines minister Stephen Robertson said the new bill would put in place comprehensive legislation to address conflict that may arise when coal and coal seam gas exploration and production activities occur in the same area.
The prospective bill has been a reaction to increasing coal seam gas industry activity in Queensland. In 2002-03, coal seam gas exploration rose to new levels with a total of 84 wells completed, comprising of 25 exploration wells, 40 appraisal wells and 19 development wells.
The draft bill was developed from the coal seam gas policy framework by the government in November 2002.
The amendment provisions include: applying and deciding relevant petroleum or coal or oil shale lease applications which overlap other exploration tenures; restrictions, conditions and entitlements for exploration and production tenures; coordination arrangements, sharing arrangements and consultation and information exchange between overlapping tenure holders of alternative commodities; lodging and deciding development plans for leases.
The amendments also address safety issues and ensure an integrated safety approach where coal seam gas is being mined or produced under different tenures.
Public submissions should be made to the department of Natural Resource and Mines by August 15, 2003.
The draft bill and explanatory guide can be found on the Department of Natural resources and Mines website: www.nrm.qld.gov.au/mines/commodities/coal_gas.html