Moolarben Coal Operations is seeking permission to increase the size of longwall panels, extract an additional 3.7 million tonnes of coal and increase production at the mine from 14Mtpa to 18Mtpa of coal.
The NSW Department of Planning and Environment has completed its assessment and has recommended that the PAC approve the applications.
The Department placed the proposals on public exhibition for feedback in July last year and received 46 submissions, including seven from government agencies, eight from special interest groups and 31 from the community.
Submissions focused on concerns about the cumulative impacts of mining associated with clearing of native woodland, dust and noise from coal trains, and impacts on water resources, especially the Goulburn River.
The Department concluded that there would be limited change to the impacts of the approved mining operations, and any residual impacts could be effectively managed by ensuring compliance with the existing approvals.
These approvals contain strict conditions for managing dust, noise, water and subsidence impacts.
The PAC will now consider the Department’s assessment and community feedback and will hold a public meeting before making a final decision on the proposal, a spokesman said.
“The Planning Assessment Commission is an important part of the NSW Planning system, ensuring that major developments are subject to expert, independent review and assessment,” he said.