Coal miners to feast in celebration

EXACTLY what does a beautiful and intelligent woman killed by her own father have to do with Hunt...

Angie Tomlinson

Simple. She is the Patron Saint of miners and she will be celebrated by coal miners in the Feast of Saint Barbara to be held in Hunter Valley on the traditional day of December 4.

The Feast of Saint Barbara has been celebrated in the Hunter Valley since 1981, when the General Superintendent of the Newcastle Wallsend Coal Company Stan Coffey organised the first celebration with the assistance of four German mining equipment companies.

Today, the Friends of Saint Barbara, which is currently accepting foundation members, have been formed to bring miners together each year on Saint Barbara’s day. This year the luncheon will be held in the Pokolbin district of the Hunter Valley.

The legend of Saint Barbara tells the tale of a daughter born to a wealthy heathen named Dioscorus. The father bought the girl up by educating her thoroughly, including in the traditional Greco-Roman faith. However, one of the girl’s tutors was a Christian who introduced her to the faith.

Fearful that Barbara may be demanded in marriage, Dioscorus shut her in a tower. Within this tower a bathhouse was built, where Barbara changed the plans while her father was away to include three windows to symbolise the Holy trinity.

When her father returned and saw the changes and Barbara acknowledged she was a Christian, he turned her over to the Roman authorities who scourged her, but her wounds healed immediately.

She was then taken before a brutal prefect who, softened by her beauty gave her a chance to spare herself by offering to the gods. She replied “I offer to my God Jesus Christ” and was promptly taken away, tortured and condemned to die.

Dioscorus then took his own daughters life with his sword. Afterwards, he was struck by lightning and his body consumed.

Saint Barbara was martyred in 306 AD. The legend of the lightning bolt caused her to be regarded as the patron saint in time of danger from thunderstorms, fires and sudden death. Through history she was then invoked for aid against accidents resulting from explosions and became the Patron Saint of miners.

The feast of St Barbara is celebrated throughout central Europe, in Spain in mining areas of Latin America, and other places in the world.

The prayer to Saint Barbara: “As I now descend into the dark bowels of the earth, I beseech thee, sweet Barbara, that I be kept safe from harm, for it liketh me not that I rush unbidden into God’s presence.”

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