Machinery, powered haulage fatalities top 2013 list: MSHA

THE US Mine Safety and Health Administration has released preliminary fatality and injury data fo...

Donna Schmidt

According to MSHA data released on Monday, the 20 coal deaths mirrored the final results of 2012.

Also, while mining fatalities occurred at a record low rate for the first three quarters of 2013, the final quarter brought with it the deaths of six coal miners and nine metal/non-metal miners, a significant increase over the prior year.

MSHA noted that four mining deaths in 2013 involved contractors, two each in coal and metal/non-metal – the lowest figure for contractor deaths since data for the sector was first collected in 1983.

In coal, underground is where most of the fatal incidents occurred in 2012 – 14 were underground while six occurred at surface operations.

In metal/non-metal mining, five deaths occurred underground and 17 occurred at surface mines.

MSHA said machinery and powered haulage were at the heart of most of the year’s mining deaths and West Virginia marked the most coal deaths in 2013 with six.

While rates for the entire calendar year are not yet available, the agency said preliminary fatality and injury rate data for the first three quarters of the year totalled 0.0112 and 2.45 respectively.

The figures are below the rates for the same period in 2012, when the industry marked the lowest rates recorded in any year in mining history.

For the 2013 financial year, which extended from October 1, 2012 through to September 30, 2013, preliminary data indicates record-low fatality rates of 0.0104 and an injury rate of 2.42.

Additionally, MSHA said that the fewest number of mining deaths were recorded – 33.

“Mining deaths are preventable and those that occurred in 2013 are no exception,” assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health Joseph Main said.

“While we have made a number of improvements and have been moving mine safety in the right direction, the increased number of metal/non-metal deaths makes clear we need to do more to protect our nation’s miners.”

He noted the entire mining community was tasked with continuing to reach milestones in health and safety.

“Miners need the reassurance that they will return home safe and healthy after every shift,” he said.

MSHA and Main stressed that to prevent deaths mine operators must maintain effective safety and health management programs that were constantly evaluated, continue find-and-fix programs to identify and eliminate mine hazards and also provide training for all mining personnel.


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