The bearings have proved successful on a wide range of applications ranging from steel and concrete beam structures through to materials handling and processing facilities.
Typically used under beams, slabs, pipe networks, pressure vessels and tank rooms, conveyors, ducts and small span bridges, Herculon HLD Bearings are part of a comprehensive range of Hercules composite slip joints and structural bearings incorporating engineered high performance combinations of engineered thermoplastics and metal facing surfaces.
They are engineered to minimise production downtime and maintenance by accommodating the vertical and horizontal stresses imposed by the shuddering and vibration of heavy motors, screens, processing equipment and the varying loads imposed by tanks, pipes and pressure vessels as they are loaded and unloaded.
Herculon Type D Bearings consist of a mild steel top plate to which a polished stainless steel facing plate is welded. This plate slides against a low friction hard-wearing Hercuflon-coated Hercupad, which is in turn bonded to a mild steel base plate, according to Hercules engineering manager David Booty.
“Among the big plusses of HLD Bearings, compared with more complicated and costly alternatives such as roller bearings, are benefits such as lower initial cost, easier installation and no maintenance for periods of 30 years or more,” he said.
These sliding bearings – incorporating polymers proven globally for outstanding durability without lubrication or maintenance – were developed to fulfil the need for low-friction bearings on corbels and columns where continuous slip joints were not appropriate.
Type D Herculon Bearings are designed to accept a lateral load of 30% of the vertical rated load, which can be up to 600 kN per bearing in stock sizes, with higher capacity available custom-engineered for particular applications.
They are removable and replaceable, to minimise downtime and optimise production in high-value, high output plant such as mineral processing and oil, gas and energy infrastructure and conveyors in applications extending from ports to power plants.
“As major industries such as resources move from the construction to production phases, they are particularly focussed on installations that will cost-effectively optimise production without maintenance or downtime,” Booty said.
“In this regard, it is essential to ensure that not only the production structures themselves, but also the structures in which plant is located, can handle the constant stresses of production and use with the flexibility required for long life without maintenance.”