The panel of judges will examine APAC’s request for a judicial review after new mining legislation was introduced into Indonesia.
Until the judicial review process has been concluded in the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Energy and Mines has requested the company to “suspend activities for the time being”
Earlier this year, the country’s new mining legislation had prompted APAC to state there should be no “material effect” at this stage on its PT Batubara Selarus Sapta concession in central East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
The new mining law changes stem from Indonesian concerns of lower mining-related revenue compared to other resource-rich nations, while media criticism has often centred on concerns of providing long-term security to foreign investment.
APAC and its legal advisers at this point in time are confident the company assets are not at risk.
The Ravensgate geological team have identified a number of local licences in Kalimantan and are assisting APAC to evaluate the potential of these tenements.
The owners and partners holding these production and exploration licences are in discussions with APAC to form joint operating agreements and are also in discussions with offtake partners.