Managing Production Continuity: The 3rd International Underground Coal Conference

IN June underground coal owners and operators will gather in Sydney for the 3rd International Und...

Staff Reporter

Held every second year and jointly organised by ACIRL and the University of NSW, the conference provides an international forum for the exchange of ideas, practical experience and new developments in underground coal.

The three-day conference will include an open forum/panel discussion on managing production continuity, the theme of this year’s conference.

An international forum session has been included in the program to allow key industry leaders from several of the major coal producing countries to present their views and debate performance achievements, future trends and challenges for the international coal mining industry. Some 35 papers, selected by invitation, will be offered over the three days.

Highlights of this year’s conference include presentations on top performing continuous miner at Sasol’s Syferfontein Colliery in South Africa. Jonathon Romcke of South Bulga discusses the value and future opportunities for use of face monitoring and control systems for face management.

A case study will be presented on Dongtan colliery, China’s top performing longwall mine. Dongtan produces 5 million tonnes per annum at over 75% recovery from an 8m thick seam.

Practical workshops will also run covering gas and ventilation and ground control. A ground control workshop is scheduled for June 15. Organisers said this year’s ground control workshop will be run as a mini-symposium, but in a less formal, workshop environment. Brief presentations of 10-15 minutes will be given, followed by extended discussion.

The three areas being covered by speakers are reinforcement tendon performance, pillar design and performance, and backfilling, grouting and membranes.

“The 3rd IUCC is targeted at operational mining personnel, technical support and applied research staff, plus middle and upper mining industry management,” organisers said. “The conference program is designed to challenge the mining industry to improve – whether it be in overcoming technical difficulties or in managing and motivating operational workforces.”

The 3rd IUCC runs from June 12-15, 2001. For further details see