Global union IndustriALL has written to the Turkish prime minister urging him to act speedily to sanction the International Labour Organization Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines.
“The tragedy in Turkey is indicative of a failure of government to step in and hold the industry to account on safety and reflects a worldwide problem,” IndustriALL mining division chair and Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union mining and energy general secretary Andrew Vickers said.
“Unfortunately, inadequate safety regulation in mining is not just a problem in Turkey.
“It’s disgraceful that governments need to be dragged kicking and screaming into legislating greater protection for their workers.”
The union called for all mining nations to ratify ILO convention 176.
Although the 176 has been approved by countries such as the US, Germany and South Africa, Turkey is not a signatory.
The Australian government is also yet to ratify the international agreement.
“It’s a significant convention that prioritises supervision, inspection and reporting,” Vickers said.
“In Australia, decades of union campaigning have meant that we have safety standards in mining recognised as the best in the world.
“But it’s a bad look when wealthy countries like Australia disregard these agreements as it devalues them in the eyes of the international community.”