News Wrap

IN THIS morning's News Wrap: US coal output to fall to lowest in almost three decades; First Stat...

Lou Caruana

US coal output to fall to lowest in almost three decades

The Energy Information Administration lowered its forecast for coal production for a seventh time this year, projecting that output will drop to the lowest level in almost three decades, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.

America's coal output will shrink to 913.6 million tons in 2015, the least since 1986, the agency said in its Short-Term Energy Outlook on Wednesday. That's down from last month's forecast of 916.9Mt.

First State Super divests from fossil fuels

Top-10 industry fund First State Super is divesting its socially responsible funds from all companies that source more than 20% of their operating revenue from coal, oil and gas, according to the Australian Financial Review.

The doctors who pushed for the move say they have a have “moral imperative” to support the transition to a renewable economy and that divestment is “a public health measure”.

India's demand for iron ore seen bolstering imports for second year

India's reliance on foreign iron ore is set to run into a second year, making the case for court-mandated caps on domestic production to be lifted, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.

Imports may total 10 million tonnes in the year ending March 31, R.K. Sharma, secretary general of the Federation of Indian Mineral Industries, said this week. At the same time, exports are slumping due to government taxes on shipments and the collapse in international prices for the steel-making material, he said.


A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the mining sector, brought to you by the Mining Monthly Intelligence team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the mining sector, brought to you by the Mining Monthly Intelligence team.


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