DOE is providing more than $9.3 million in funding while industry is contributing more than $2.3 million.
The projects will range from 24 to 36 months in duration and include the following:
- ALSTOM Power will develop computational process models and a process dynamic simulator to investigate and develop advanced sensing and control systems for hybrid combustion-gasification chemical looping. Its work hopes to achieve a more reliable, economical and emissions-optimised future plant process.
- Babcock & Wilcox Company will develop comprehensive modelling focused on predicting the corrosion rates of boiler tubes under low-NOx corrosion. Eight common coals will be tested and the intention is to accurately estimate the corrosion rates of boiler tubes using different variables including chemicals and temperature.
- General Electric will perform computer modelling research focused specifically on coal gasification plants and will install and develop a harsh environment sensor package at the Tampa Electric Company Polk Power Station. The collected temperature data will be used for model validation.
- Electric Power Research Institute will develop advanced nanostructure coatings to significantly improve corrosion and erosion performance of tubing used in boiler applications. The coatings will undergo testing in simulated boiler environments using coals from three different regions.
University of Colorado at Boulder will develop a gas-solid model, using new methodologies tailored to polydisperse systems, targeted specifically at materials with differences in size and/or density.
Novel aspects include incorporating the effects of random particle motion between systems.