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The event, hosted by the US Mine Safety and Health Administration, has been set for January 23-24 at the National Mine Health and Safety Academy in Beaver starting at 7.30am.
Some of the topics include: explosives storage, transportation, and use; recognizing and preventing malfunctions; blasting design technology; safe blasting practices; drilling design; blasting seismology; electronic initiation systems; fly rock; construction blasting; and vibration control.
“The most recent innovations in drilling and blast¬ing design technology will be addressed, along with specific blasting applications, up-to-date blasting regulations, and blasting-related information from recognized experts,” organizers said.
“Presenters are drawn from man¬ufacturers of explosives and accessories, blasting consultants, design experts, and government agen¬cies.”
The states of West Virginia, Alabama, Ken¬tucky, Ohio, Colorado, Wyoming, New York and Pennsylvania will accept the seminar as part of the blasting recertification CEU requirements. Virginia will accept it for recerti¬fication of construction blasters only.
For more information on the seminar or to register, visit the MSHA website, or contact Kevin Malay at or Roger Montali at