SME, CIM teaming for mine safety event

THE Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallur...

Donna Schmidt

The two have again joined forces for this year’s event, entitled “Safety in Mining: A Reliable Operation is a Safe Operation”, and set the gathering for October 20-22 at the Hilton Toronto in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Following up on two other successful events, this SIM conference will focus on mine safety as well as the reliability of safety programs, technical solutions and other issues.

“In order for a safety program to work well and be effective, companies must manage it like they manage any other program that ensures consistent product quality and performance,” organizers said.

“There are parallels to maintenance management, business process management, major hazard risk management, customer management and so on.”

Some of the session topic areas for the symposium include leadership for an effective health and safety culture, managing major health and safety risks, and improving reliability in safety technologies and health and safety management systems.

The associations also want case studies on safety management and system reliability as well as presentations on communications, proximity detection, legal issues and remote/autonomous operations.

Abstracts must be received by July 30 and will be accepted by email at

For more information on abstract requirements or registering to attend the conference, contact conference co-chairs Bill Wright at or Jurgen Brune at


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