COVID-19 hits Indonesian coal exports

Exports have plunged to about 17 million tonnes.

 Indonesian coal exports have plunged with the COVID-19 crisis.

Indonesian coal exports have plunged with the COVID-19 crisis.

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Comparing Indonesian exports levels from 2015 to 2020, exports have dropped below average in February and March 2020 and declined further in April 2020.

Exports have plunged to about 17 million tonnes, well below the average of 31Mt for this time of the year.

"The response to the COVID‑19 outbreak has curtailed electricity use and industrial production in most countries, pushing down global coal consumption," the IEA said.

"The size of the economic impact and the speed of recovery from it in the main coal-consuming jurisdictions will determine the ultimate size of the decline in global coal use in 2020."

The IEA said coal demand would decline steeply in 2020.

"Even in South East Asia, the region with fastest growth in the recent years, coal power generation is curtailed by lower electricity demand, especially in Malaysia and Thailand," it said.

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