The PRI Initiative is a global network of investors working together to put the six principles for responsible investment into practice.
Its goal is to understand the implications of sustainability for investors and support signatories to incorporate these issues into both their investment decision-making and ownership practices.
In implementing the principles, signatories contribute to the development of a more sustainable global financial system.
AGF president Kevin McCreadie said: “As one of the pioneers in the development of sustainable investing, we are pleased to join this international network and integrate ESG issues into our investment analysis and stewardship practices across the firm.
“This reinforces our commitment to responsible investing and offers our clients a more sustainable approach.”
When applying the PRI's six principles of responsible investment, all the AGF strategies consider ESG factors in their portfolio management and investment decision-making processes to inform asset allocation, stock selection, portfolio construction, shareholder engagement and voting.
PRI managing director Fiona Reynolds said: “We are delighted to welcome AGF as a signatory to the PRI.
“Their long-standing commitment to responsible investing, combined with a wealth of experience in looking at sustainability issues, will benefit our other members across North America.”