Queensland government accepts kudos, passes praise

QUEENSLAND mines minister Stephen Robertson has commended the state's mining industry for improvi...

Richard Roberts
Queensland government accepts kudos, passes praise

Citing 2000-2001 statistics just released in the Queensland Mines and Quarries Safety Performance and Health report, Robertson used the contentious lost time injuries measure in praising the industry's progress.

As the industry continues to debate the merits of LTI frequency rates as a measure of safety performance, the latest Queensland figures showed a drop from 540 to 449 in the number of LTIs recorded in 1999-2000 compared with 2000-2001.

The 2000-2001 LTIFR for Queensland mines and quarries was 10.3, compared with 11.8 in 1999-2000.

The QMQ Safety Performance and Health report also indicated the industry's injury severity rate fell during 2000-2001 - to 161 days lost per million hours worked compared with 184 days during 1999-2000.

"When you consider these lost time injuries are from a total workforce of about 18,000 in Queensland coal mines, metalliferous mines and quarries, the result is a positive one," Robertson said.

"Many of the improvements in mine safety reflect the tough new mining legislation enacted last year by the Beattie government."

The QMQ Safety Performance and Health report covers lost time accidents, disabling injuries and high potential incidents in the state's mines and quarries. These must be reported under Queensland's Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 and the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999.

"These laws represent the greatest change to the regulation of safety and health in Queensland's mining industry since 1925," Robertson said.

"The laws require all mining and quarrying operations to be run safely and in full compliance consistent with modern workplace health and safety standards. This will afford greater protection from death and injury to mining workers and significantly reduce the risk of accidents at Queensland mines and quarrying operations."

Copies of the QMQ Safety Performance and Health report are available at www.nrm.qld.gov.au

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