The executive summary notes, “the high level of concern for the impacts of climate change on society and the environment, coupled with a large degree of scepticism, suggests that there is a large segment of the population with a latent concern for climate change and its associated implications that are not quite yet convinced of a need for action. This segment is likely to be available to be ‘won’ by any side of the debate.”
A key finding shows that 54% of Australians are concerned about climate change. "This has dropped in terms of breadth and intensity over time, but there is still only around 10% who see no need for action," TCI adds.
TCI CEO John Connor said, “party politics and cost scares have taken their toll but a strong majority (69%) still accepts humans are at least partly driving climate change and broader anxiety about climate impacts point to support for climate action being up for grabs.”
“One thing that’s clear is that Australians’ vision for a low-carbon future is one that taps into the nation’s abundant renewable energy resource. There is overwhelming support for renewables, especially solar and wind, as well as energy efficiency measures for industry and households with coal less popular than nuclear in the ideal energy mix,” he added.
“Our research was carried out at a time of highly politicised and poorly informed debate preceding the start of the carbon laws. Some of these findings are concerning but not surprising and set out policy and communication challenges on solutions, impacts and opportunities.”
“Delving deeper, there is a wealth of concern for impacts and readiness for action. We found that even amidst all the political noise, Australians are ‘doing their bit’ to address their environmental footprint. But they are looking to government and business to lead and do more on reducing carbon pollution.”
Key findings include:
64% agreed that climate change is occurring, although 19% were unsure. 20% agreed that humans are the main cause, with 49% saying it was due to a mixture of human causes and natural cycles;
Climate impacts of highest concern were: A tie between A more polluted Australia and destruction of the Great Barrier Reef (79% each), more droughts affecting crop production and food supply (78%), and animal and plant species becoming extinct (75%);
81% placed solar energy within their top three preferred energy options. Wind was second with 59%. 66% placed coal in their least preferred three options, slightly more than nuclear at 64%. Opinion on gas was divided, with 28% having it in their top three and 31% in their bottom three;
Australians don’t think business and the media are doing a good job at addressing climate change. They get net disapproval ratings of 21 and 22 respectively, a rate far worse than the Federal Government’s at minus 6;
Support for the carbon pricing laws of 28% (52% opposition) rises to 47 % (with only 29% opposition) when it is explained that all the revenue raised goes to support households, business and development of renewable energy; and
Labor (28%) is twice as credible as the Coalition (14%) on their emission reduction plans, but both are at low levels.
Climate of the Nation 2012 starts an annual mid-year benchmarking research into public attitudes. It is a mix of national qualitative (focus groups) and national quantitative (poll) research conducted in April-May 2012.
More detail on the key findings of Climate of the Nation 2012 can be found in the report’s executive summary as well as in factsheets on demographic highlights (including regional variations) and ideal energy mix scenarios.
These materials as well as the full report, case study interviews with participants and ‘word on the street’ videos recorded in Sydney, can be found at: nation2012.html.
This article courtesy of BEN-Global