New mines inspector announced

THE Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines has appointed Phil Goode coal and metall...

Staff Reporter
New mines inspector announced

Peter Garland, the department's southern region mines inspector, said Goode's appointment would strengthen the Mines Inspectorate in this region, which extends west to the Quilpie district and north to Maryborough.

"The appointment reflects a review of the department's Mines Inspectorate to, among other things, place more mining inspectors and inspection officers closer to or in regional areas," Garland said.

Goode joined the department in October 2000 as mines inspector at Mount Isa, where he carried out safety and health management system audits of the surface and underground mines in the department's northern region.

Before this he worked for Mount Isa Mines Limited in Mount Isa, where he held various senior technical and management positions associated with backfilling, cut and fill mining, open stoping, shaft development, ore crushing and transportation operations.

Another two new mines inspectors and inspection officers have joined the department at Rockhampton and Townsville and this month.

Julie Dryden became the department's first female inspector of metalliferous mines. She is based at the department's Townsville office and will service the northern region.

In the department's central region, Graham Callinan has been appointed the mining inspection officer, based at Rockhampton.


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