The final rehabilitation outcomes were developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders and government agencies, including the NSW Resources Regulator, which signed off on the rehabilitation.
The community was also involved in the consultation process.
"The rehabilitation was the subject of ongoing monitoring and maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the approved Mining Operations Plan," DPIE said.
"The scope of the monitoring program, which was undertaken by a specialist ecological consultancy firm, was designed to evaluate performance against the rehabilitation objectives and completion criteria.
"The range of parameters evaluated as part of the monitoring program included vegetation structure, floristic composition, fauna habitat, native fauna presence, weed and pest animal presence, soil structure and function, and landform stability."
The domain where rehabilitation has been completed comprises 50.4 hectares within the former open cut mining area known as Ulan East Pit Area 2.
Rehabilitation has been undertaken progressively at EPA2 since the early 1980s.
More than 130 native wildlife species have been recorded since rehabilitation was completed.