The report, from a survey of 1000 Australian and New Zealand workers conducted between February 23 and March 3, found 79% of those in mining, while happy with their roles, still wanted to change.
Only those in information technology and communications, were more willing to looking at changing roles at 82%.
Increased pay was the main reason respondents from all industries said they wanted to change.
Mining, construction/infrastructure and fast-moving consumer goods had the largest number of workers considering changing careers or roles, though most planned to stay within the same industry.
Of those considering a change, 18-24 year olds were the largest group most likely to look elsewhere, with half of that group planning to stay in the same industry.
According to the Persol Kelly report, respondents believed reskilling and upskilling were the clearest ways for them to do that but pointed to cost as the greatest barrier.
It has not stopped some though.
Former Qantas cabin crew member Caroline Jervis is a case in point. She reskilled and took a position driving haul trucks in Western Australia's Pilbara. Leaving the tray in an upright position has taken on a whole other meaning.
Persol Kelly CEO Nic Fairbank said while COVID-19 might have played a part in some people needing to change jobs it was career that was more important.
"Our research tells us it's careers and purpose more than COVID-19 that is prompting people to reconsider their lives, especially younger people," he said.
"To prepare the workforce for the future we must properly map the employment and skills landscape and then develop the skills and capabilities to match. For this to be done well takes a whole of industry approach.
"Transitioning in an evolving economy means a skills evolution, not a revolution, to support industries that are growing but cannot get enough people, like healthcare and aged care."
Close to one third of Australian workers see growth as a key reason to consider upskilling or reskilling, while 27.3% said it would progress their career. Up to 16% said it was a job requirement.
The survey found white collar workers were more likely to consider upskilling or reskilling than blue collar, with 55.4% of white collar workers prepared to upskill or reskill against 45.6% of blue collar workers.
Further study was also on the minds or respondents with 52% of white collar workers considering further tuition. Of those 40.7% were looking at post graduate courses.
That compares to 38% of blue collar workers who were considering further study with 35.2% aiming for vocational education and training.
More women than men said they would consider enrolling in more study: 49.1% versus 47.4%. However, cost remains the biggest barrier to this. More than one quarter of all respondents said cost was the biggest prohibitive factor, which is even truer for younger workers, given their lower incomes.
"As employers explore new ways of retaining and engaging staff, assistance in funding upskilling and reskilling would be well received, especially by those under 45 years of age," Fairbank said.