According to Phoenix Medical Equipment Services many sites still have medical and resuscitation equipment that has aluminium components. Risks associated with the use of aluminium alloys are due to the possibility of high energy impacts of aluminium alloys on rusty steel objects can cause an incendive spark, igniting methane.
To minimise risk, all Phoenix medical equipment are aluminium free, including all gas related medical and resuscitation equipment, from oxygen regulators, oxy vivas, defibrillators and analgesic equipment.
Phoenix have also raised concerns that many underground coal mines do not routinely inspect and service their medical and rescue equipment to meet Australian and Manufacturers standards.
“All equipment must be inspected and serviced at least once per year to meet all the relevant standards” said Phoenix Medical service manager Chris Houldey.
To aid mines in meeting standards, Phoenix supply preventative maintenance and service programs to ensure all equipment used in mines meet standards.
Phoenix Medical Equipment Services formed early in 2000 with a reputation fast spreading through both the open cut and underground mining sectors.
Phoenix supplies products and services to many mines in New South Wales, servicing BHP and Xstrata operations, and is now looking to target the Queensland market out of Mackay.
Phoenix is currently working with suppliers to provide a better range of safety and emergency products to mine sites and is currently assessing new technologies in patient transportation including the latest in stretchers and mobile resuscitation equipment.