The Mine Managers Association of Australia (MMAA) will hold the seminar on May 7-8 at the Belmont 16 ft Sailing Club in Brooks Parade, Belmont, NSW.
The seminars are targeted at managers, technical service managers, production managers, undermanagers and mining consultants in both the underground and open cut sectors.
Day one will concentrate on underground operators featuring presentations from West Wallsend, Centennial and North Goonyella management, as well as NSW Mine Rescue Service, universities and private companies. Day two will deal with topics on both underground and open cut mine topics.
The seminar also serves as part of the MMAA recently introduced a system of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as a means of demonstrating ongoing maintenance of competency for managers and other statutory officials.
Practising managers are required to attain a minimum of 15 hours learning each year, spread across a range of competencies. Implementation of the MMAA scheme has been endorsed by the Minerals Councils in NSW and Qld and the DMR.
Attendance at this seminar will enable underground managers to attain 12 hours and open cut managers to attain 6 hours. Presenters of papers gain an additional 2 hours.
Papers to be presented at the seminar will cover the range of competencies required by the Rules of the CPD scheme.
Attendance costs are $250, or $125 per day. Full details and seminar registration form can be found at