HWE tough times continue

HENRY Walker Eltin interim chief executive officer Robert Cleary resigned yesterday as the troubl...

Emily Roberts
HWE tough times continue

Earlier this week, HWE founder Neville Walker died in a car accident in his home town of Darwin.


Walker's body was found near his car, which had hit a tree, police said.


The devastating news has come as administrators preside over the future of HWE. Creditors of the failed company were due to meet today in Sydney, Perth and Darwin.


Walker founded Henry Walker with his partner Frazer Henry in 1962. It later merged with Eltin.


He was chairman of the company when he died.


Walker had more than 40 years experience in civil engineering and management and was a member of the Commonwealth Government's Special Working Group on the Australian-Indonesian Development Area and had co-chaired the Northern Territory Economic Development Summit. Walker received an Order of Australia for service to the development of the Northern Territory in 1994.