Touring Anglo’s Moranbah North mine this week, Carroll said the company wanted to provide its employees with a choice of accommodation as the local government area attempted to deal with the influx of residents working in the nearby mines.
“Moranbah makes up a significant portion of Anglo American’s future investment in Australia and is a key component of our global portfolio of premium growth projects, with two underground longwall mines, Grosvenor and Moranbah South, to be developed over the next 10 years,” she said.
“Anglo American is committed to the long-term sustainable growth of Moranbah and we wish to partner with the local council and the community to achieve this goal. With our growing presence in this region, Anglo American has an increasing responsibility to partner with our neighbours.
“Anglo American’s Moranbah 2020 fund will provide funding for training facilities, education programs, cultural facilities, accommodation and public multi-use buildings that support the sustainable development of the town.
“Implementation of the fund is subject to government approval of our Grosvenor and Moranbah South projects, with funding staged to meet the project development phases.
“We will partner with the Isaac Regional Council to put the fund in place, identify key projects and plan how they will be delivered.”
The Moranbah 2020 fund will be used to deliver measurable improvements in economic development, diversification, innovation and enterprise, including Aboriginal economic development; health services; education and training services and facilities; cultural and recreational activities and infrastructure; and accommodation for employees choosing to live in Moranbah.
Twice-yearly funding rounds will be advertised from early 2012 and open to applications. The fund will provide partnership funding for strategic landmark infrastructure projects (80%) and community initiatives (20%).
Carroll said Anglo American’s Moranbah 2020 strategy would also provide employees with choice in accommodation.
“We are committed to providing our employees with a choice of accommodation options that best suit their personal circumstances, including permanent housing in the Moranbah community,” she said.
“We currently offer $65,000 cash incentives to existing employees wishing to build or buy in Moranbah and surrounding areas and will also build more than 50 new units and houses in the town, subject to government approval of our planned project.”