The FIFR, or the number of fatalities per million hours worked for the period 2001-02 to 2005-06, was 0.04, down 78% on the previous five-year average of 0.18 for the period 1996-97 to 2000-01.
The NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) said the state has now also recorded three fatality-free 12-month periods.
“Sadly, the 2006-07 financial year has seen a fatality in the underground coal sector at Lithgow,” the department said.
The accident at Centennial Coal's Angus Place mine in late July killed contract technician Kevin Hanson while he was collecting fluid samples from a large hydraulic system used to power longwall machinery.
A NSW DPI Investigation Unit senior investigator is heading up the inquiry into the fatality.
“Serious bodily injuries across all sectors increased during the 2005-06 year. However, it should be noted that ‘hours worked’ figures are yet to be finalised, but early indications suggest they have increased, meaning the rate of serious bodily injuries per million hours worked may not have increased,” the department said.