NIOSH offers free black lung screenings

BEGINNING this month, the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is offering a ...

Lou Caruana
NIOSH offers free black lung screenings

The screenings are intended to provide early detection of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), also known as black lung, a serious but preventable occupational lung disease in coal miners caused by breathing respirable coal mine dust.

The health screenings will be provided through the NIOSH mobile testing unit at convenient community and mine locations.

NIOSH will provide the health screening for these coal miners under its enhanced coal workers’ health surveillance program.

This public health outreach is in response to a well-documented increase in serious disease.

The first visit is scheduled for the week of April 20, 2014, in areas throughout Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas.

Local and individual outreach will be done in all specific locations.

NIOSH director John Howard said all coal miners (current, former, underground and surface) were welcome to participate.

“NIOSH’s commitment to prevention includes a dedicated effort towards early detection of black lung in coal miners,” he said.

“Through a screening program that is free and confidential, workers can be protected from diseases arising from their work as miners.”

The screening provided by NIOSH will include a work history questionnaire, a chest x-ray and spirometry testing.

Blood pressure screening will be offered as well. Typically, the process takes about 25 minutes.

NIOSH provides the individual miner with the results of their own screening. By law each person’s results are confidential. No individual information is publicly disclosed.

The prevalence of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis among long-term underground miners who participated in chest x-ray screening decreased from the 1970s to the 1990s.

Although still much less than in the 1970s, the prevalence of CWP among US coal miners has increased since the 1990s.

CWP can occur in mines of all sizes.

The more serious advanced type of disease, called progressive massive fibrosis, is much more prevalent among miners from underground mines with fewer than 50 workers.

Miners who work in particular areas of the country, in certain mining jobs and in these smaller mines have an increased risk of developing CWP.


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