The MSTC is the only facility in Australia that is accredited for all of the testing required for gas monitors in AS/NZS 4641 (electrical apparatus for detection of oxygen and other gases and vapours at toxic levels) and AS/NZS 60079.29.1 / IEC 60079.29.1 (explosive atmospheres – gas detectors performance requirements of detectors for flammable gases).
Testing under these standards is required for the registration of gas monitors in NSW.
There are over 30 tests required per gas sensor on a monitor. The tests include accuracy, effects of pressure, temperature, electromagnetic immunity and vibration.
In the area of respirable and inhalable dusts, the MSTC now has accreditation in the determination of respirable dust as per AS2985, inhalable dust as per AS3640 and the determinations of quartz in respirable dust.
NATA accreditation is underpinned by technical auditing to give confidence in calibration, testing and inspection activities.