The contract will provide all the infrastructure, services, and equipment needed to allow longwall mining to begin in a greenfield part of the existing Gregory Crinum mine.
The physical scope of the Bechtel contract includes earthworks (including benching, highwall stabilisation, niche and portal installation), structural works (including transfer towers, access roads and drainage), coal clearance material handling system (surface and underground conveyors) and surface facilities and buildings.
Also included in Bechtel’s contract is the is underground mining equipment and services (including compressed air, water, flood protection, pumping stations, fire, ventilation, GAGs, lighting).
Electrical sub-stations and high voltage distribution as well as control systems, closed circuit television, supervisory control and data acquisition and communication infrastructure will also be included.
The Brisbane Hub is an integrated office for planning, executing and optimising multiple projects over an extended period. Managed by BHP Billiton Metallurgical Coal, a range of projects are studied and executed centrally from the Hub.
Projects currently managed by the hub include Broadmeadow Sustaining Operations, Caval Ridge, Daunia, South Walker Creek CHPP upgrade and the Hay Point Coal, as well as the IndoMet Coal project in Indonesia.
The Hub intends to put long term agreements in place for these items that would apply to multiple projects.
In addition to the common purchases, each project will have procurement requirements that are specific to that project.