The tool determines the forces required to pull the conveyor belt around the system prior to the job commencing.
Risk assessments have proven by identifying the pull force required before commencing the job the correct equipment can be selected for each task, thus reducing the risk of hazards and downtime.
“Gone are the days of she’ll be right. The question needs to be asked, do you really know what is required to install your conveyor belt?” Apex Fenner national safety manager Ian Copeland said.
The calculation tool is used in both new installations and belt change outs. Belt pull calculations are used in conjunction with detailed procedures to create a complete picture of the change out process.
Since it was released in June 2004 an increasing number of sites have requested the service as part of the change out procedure.
“Some customers are requesting that we carry out full site calculations on all critical conveyors so they can be prepared for emergency change outs in a brake down situation. This allows the customer to have a head start with a detailed work procedure, risk assessment and a belt pull calculation already completed, just complete a Job Safety Analysis and work can commence,” Copeland said.
Sites already utilising this safety service include BMA Hay Point and Riverside, BHP Cannington, Century Mine, Charbon Colliery, Clarence Colliery, Metropolitan Colliery, Angus Place Colliery, Oaky North, QNI Yabulu and Thiess Collinsville.