The Congress is organised by the Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey. (See additional details in “Events”.)
IMCET 2001 is the seventeenth gathering in the series of congresses organised biannually by the Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey. Organisers said international interest and attendance in the past from more than 20 countries had resulted in the decision to organise this year's meeting as an international congress.
The principal objective of the conference is to promote operational, economical and scientific information pertaining to all aspects of mining technology. The congress will assist scientists, mine owners, operators, engineers and researchers in staying abreast of progress in design, construction, operation, technological improvements, practical solutions to challenging issues and research findings in mining engineering technology.
The 17th International Congress will cover a range of topics in “Application of Advance Technology in Mining and Process Engineering” and “Practical Solutions to Mining Problems”. The specific themes of the conference are Advanced Technology in Mining, Rock Engineering, Production and the Environment, Mining Engineering Education in the New Millennium, Natural Resource Management, Computer Applications in Mining, Process Engineering, Health and Safety, and Practical Solutions to Mining Problems.
An exhibition of products and services targeting the mining, tunneling and building stones industry will be held in Hotel Dedeman between June 19 and June 22.
Dr Erdal Ünal, Department of Mining Engineering, Middle East Technical University, said IMCET 2001’s first announcement attracted more than 100 applications from 24 countries representing Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe.
“I look forward to welcoming you in Ankara to a congress that will be both technically stimulating and socially enjoyable for all of us,” he said.