The list-server was set-up by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Pittsburgh Research laboratory’s diesel team. The server was created in response to the expressed need to disseminate and share information and experiences concerning the application of available technologies for the reduction of miner exposures to diesel particulate matter and gaseous emissions in underground mines.
The server acts as an e-mail distribution mechanism where all subscribers receive posted messages and can respond.
After four months of operation the main participants in the server have been from the MSHA (enforcement), mining company representatives involved in installing diesel control technologies, NIOSH researchers, and equipment manufacturers (filter and other diesel control technology systems).
“There has been little discussion about the efficiencies of these systems, they do work to reduce diesel emissions. The concerns are over the implementation issues; regeneration of filter traps, expected life of paper filters on inby coal equipment, potential with fires on paper filters and what filters are being approved by MSHA for coal mine use,” NIOSH health branch chief Edward Thimons said.
Thimons said the content of the messages should be to relate experiences, to offer suggestions, and to pose questions.
“As more join the list and are willing to participate, the greater will be the opportunity to share the knowledge gained from actual experiences with the technologies. As email knows no boundaries, the diesels-underground list server is open to and welcomes world-wide participation.
“If you are a person who is concerned with any aspect of the application of diesel emission control technologies in underground mines, you are invited to join and participate in this list server.
To join the diesels-underground-L list server place the following line: JOIN DIESELS-UNDERGROUND-L and your full name as the only text in the body of an e-mail message with subject left blank addressed to