Making money from fuel cells

A NEW phase of fuel cell research designed to hasten the wider availability of zero-emissions ene...

Angie Tomlinson

Eleven new projects worth US$4.2 million, including private-sector cost-sharing of more than 20%, focus on solving the remaining issues in developing solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems for commercial use.

"To reach the goal of zero-emissions energy, we need to reduce the costs of fuel cell acquisition and use. These projects address the last barriers to commercially viable solid oxide fuel cell systems," said Abraham.

Selected by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance Program (SECA), the grant-winning projects are focused on developing improvements in fuel cell materials and performance, as well as attaining target capital costs of less than $400 per kilowatt, all of which will make fuel cells extremely competitive with conventional power generation.

Fuel cells are one of the cleanest and most efficient technologies for generating electricity. Since there is no combustion, there are none of the pollutants commonly produced by boilers and furnaces. For systems designed to consume hydrogen directly, the only products are electricity, water and heat.

Fuel cells operate much like a battery, turning oxygen and hydrogen into electricity in the presence of an electrically conductive material called an electrolyte. Unlike a battery, however, fuel cells never lose their charge. As long as there is a constant source of fuel — usually natural gas for the hydrogen and air for the oxygen — fuel cells will generate electricity.


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