Export earnings on steaming coal were up A$62 million, or seven percent, on the previous quarter, whilst coking coal fell A$152 million, or nine percent, compared to the June quarter.
“Total earnings from mineral resources exports increased in the September quarter 2003 to $13.0 billion. Earnings were up by 1.9% compared with the previous quarter,” said ABARE executive director Dr Brian Fisher.
Raw black coal production from underground mines was 22.99Mt for the quarter, while saleable black coal from underground was 18.06Mt.
A total of 16.62Mt of high quality coking coal 10.36Mt of other coking coal was exported. Steaming coal figures were 26.12Mt of exports for the quarter.
Average prices were A$67.17/t for high quality coking coal, A$48.54/t for other coking coal and A$38.28/t for steaming coal.