Commerce Minister Michael Mischin said the report, tabled in parliament today, showed that local content for the construction of projects was around 77%.
“This report highlights the real benefits being delivered to West Australians by mineral and energy investment in this state with an estimated 108.000 jobs created or maintained over the past two years,” he said.
“There has been $43 billion in publicly announced, locally awarded resource supply contracts since July 2011 when the state government launched its Local Industry Participation Framework initiative.”
Mischin said major project proponents such as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Woodside Energy and Chevron provided figures to the report as part of state agreements.
The WA government said last month that $2.5 million of funding to local contractors to help them compete for work had generated $80 million in contract awards.
The Local Content report, published twice a year, said there were $175 billion of projects in the pipeline in WA and the decisions to defer or recast a number of them had not “materially affected the short-term outlook for the state”