Tomblin stands up for miners

WEST Virginia Governor Earl Tomblin has written to the US Department of Health and Human Services...

Sadie Davidson
Tomblin stands up for miners

The DHHS administration black lung clinic program now limits awards to $US900,000 ($A976,754) per grantee.

The funding cap represents a 44% reduction in funding for black lung clinics in West Virginia.

Tomblin said the funding cuts would “jeopardise the state’s ability to provide nearly 8500 West Virginians suffering from black lung disease with the critical care and services they need”

The letter asks DHSS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to reconsider and request removal of restrictions for grant applications or allow for supplemental requests to maintain the standards of care and service in West Virginia black lung clinics.

Tomblin claimed the changes singled out West Virginia as it was the only state to receive more than $900,000 in grants last year, with a total of $1.4 million.

As yet, there has been no word of a response to the letter from the DHHS.


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