Following the award of the drifts construction contract to WDS in December 2013, the key focus off site has been the refurbishment and flame proofing of two roadheaders and the mobilisation of equipment to undertake excavation of the two drifts.
The loaders and roadheaders were transported to site during and after the end of the March quarter, the company revealed in its latest quarterly report.
Overhauls of the two roadheaders were completed during the March quarter.
Shotcrete pumps, mobile hoppers and conveyors are scheduled to be delivered to site in the June quarter 2014.
The drifts excavation is expected to start using the roadheaders.
Waste material will initially be removed using loaders, which were transported to site during the quarter, until sufficient room is available to install and commission the conveyors and mobile hoppers.
Construction of the bathhouse, offices and workshop facilities have started and is well advanced, Aquila said.
Recruitment and employee inductions are underway and on schedule.
Gas drainage continued from the existing wells with the amount of gas being received increasing each month, as expected.
Gas has been flowing from two of the three seams for the entire March quarter with the final seam coming on line in March.
The gas reservoir characterisation work is well advanced which will culminate in a revised gas drainage design for the underground workings.
During the remainder of CY 2014, contracts will be awarded to develop the bulk earthworks; the ventilation shaft and fans; development equipment; the CHPP; and longwall equipment.
“These are critical path items which represent a major portion of the investment in Eagle Downs, and as such will be subject to comprehensive tender processes,” Aquila said.