S.J.Res.23 strikes an EPA rule on greenhouse gas emissions, while S.J.Res.24 strikes an EPA rule on carbon pollution emission guidelines.
The votes come ahead of an international climate change summit that will begin in Paris on November 30.
It is believed that Obama will use his presidential veto to ensure that the EPA rules on carbon pollution emission guidelines is upheld and that the US champions climate change at the Paris summit.
The EPA proposed the Clean Power Plan (CPP) in June 2014 as a nationwide regulation under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act (EPA 2014a).
The proposal would set maximum limits on carbon dioxide emission rates (measured in pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt-hour of generation and end-use energy efficiency according to a formula for electricity systems within relevant states.
In EPA’s preferred regulatory approach , the final carbon dioxide emission rate standards would apply in 2030, and in that year total US power sector carbon dioxide emissions would be 30% below their level in 2005. EPA also developed and evaluated an alternative approach with final standards in 2025.
US consumers would see double-digit electricity rate increases in 43 states if a rule by the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants is implemented, according to a report by NERA Economic Consulting.