1H US mine deaths: by the numbers

THE US Mine Safety and Health Administration has released a mid-year report of the 14 mining-rela...

Donna Schmidt
1H US mine deaths: by the numbers

Of the deaths in January through June, eight were coal miners and six involved metal/nonmetal mine workers. Of those eight in coal, three occurred as a result of machinery accidents and two were in rib rolls.

Two more miners were killed in powered haulage incidents, and one worker received fatal injuries in a fall.

Two of the eight workers were contract employees.

Of the six fatalities in the metal/nonmetal sector, two miners died in roof collapses and one lost his life after being struck by sliding material.

One miner each died in machinery, powered haulage and fall accidents. Contractors made up two of the M/NM fatalities.

“Even though the number of mining deaths for the first half of this year are at an all-time low, one mining death is still one too many,” assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health Joseph Main said.

“Fatalities can be prevented; they are not an inevitable byproduct of mining. Effective health and safety programs, training of miners and proper workplace examinations can identify and eliminate the hazards that kill and injure miners.”

MSHA said mine operators were well aware of their responsibility for the health and safety conditions of their mines. It has introduced a number of enforcement and outreach programs to help operations identify conditions – such as its Rules to Live By fatality prevention initiative.

“We believe those actions, along with initiatives by the mining industry, have resulted in the improved safety record thus far this year,” Main said.

“No miners should have to die on the job just to earn a paycheck. MSHA is vigorously enforcing the Mine Act, and constantly looking for ways to improve policies and regulations to prevent these unnecessary tragedies.”

The agency has compiled information for all US operations, their miners and trainers regarding the details of fatalities recorded to date as well as prevention actions at

For more about the Rules to Live By intiative, visit


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