Minerals Education: Institutions and Courses

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Minerals Education: Institutions and Courses

Institutions and Courses 2008


26 Dick Perry Av, ARRC Building, Kensington WA 6151, Australia

Department name: Department of Exploration Geophysics

2008 courses/programs: Bachelor of Science (Geophysics), 3 yrs (+ 1 yr honours); Bachelor of Science – (Geophysics and Computing – double degree with UWA); BSc (Petroleum Geoscience)(Honours) – for Middle East students only; Graduate Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma in Geophysics; Master of Science (Geophysics); Doctor of Philosophy (Geophysics)

No. of first year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 20 BSc and 5 Honours

No. of first year students enrolled in 2008 courses: ~10 BSc and 7 Honours

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 87 undergraduate, 21 postgraduate

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: ~89 undergraduate, ~21 postgraduate

Key department contacts: Dr Anton Kepic, Head of Department, Ph: (08) 9266 7503; Deirdre Hollingsworth, Ph: (08) 9266 3565

COMMENTS Note that Exploration Geophysics is co-located with CSIRO in a special research centre in Bentley Technology Park

Kent St, Bentley WA 6102, Australia

Department name: Department of Applied Geology, Western Australian School of Mines

2008 courses/programs:

Bachelor of Science, 3 yrs (+ 1 yr honours): BSc (Applied Geology); BSc (Land and Water Resource Science); BSc (Mineral Exploration and Mining Geology)

Bachelor of Engineering, 4 yrs: BEng (Mining Geology)

Double degrees with the BSc, 4 yrs (+ 1 yr honours): BSc (Applied Geology) / BSc (Environmental Biology); BSc (Applied Geology) / BSc (Geographic Information Science); BSc (Applied Geology) / BSc (Geophysics); BSc (Applied Geology) / BCom (Finance)

Postgraduate by coursework (1 yr): Graduate Diploma in Mineral Exploration Geoscience; Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Geology; Postgraduate Diploma in Mining Geology; MSc (Geology); MSc (Geoscience Exploration); MSc (Mining Geology)

Postgraduate by research: MPhil; PhD

NB: For further details on courses visit

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 115 undergraduate; 1 honours; 20 postgraduate coursework; 4 postgraduate research. These numbers are for students enrolled specifically into geology degrees. The total number of first-year students taking one or more first-year geology units was more than 350. (Note that total is less if calculated on the basis of full-time equivalent students.)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: Too early to give numbers with any accuracy as admission process still ongoing for another three weeks from time of writing. Intake likely to be slightly down on 2007 from preliminary indications.

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 230 undergraduate; 1 honours; 27 postgraduate coursework; 34 postgraduate research. These numbers are for students enrolled specifically into geology degrees, the total number of students taking one or more geology units was more than 500. (Note that total is less if calculated on the basis of full-time equivalent students.)

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: Too early to give numbers with any accuracy as admission and re-enrolment process still ongoing for another three weeks from time of writing, but total enrolments should be higher than in 2007.

Key department contact: Associate Professor Ian Fitzsimons, Head, Department of Applied Geology, Western Australian Scool of Mines, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6845, Ph: (08) 9266 7968, Email:

COMMENTS The data do NOT include enrolments from Curtin’s separate Department of Exploration Geophysics.

Western Australian School of Mines, Egan St, Kalgoorlie WA 6430, Australia

Department name: Western Australian School of Mines – Department of Mining Engineering; Department of Minerals Engineering & Extractive Metallurgy; Department of Applied Geology; Department of Mineral Economics & Mine Management; Department of Spatial Sciences; Department of Exploration Geophysics

2008 courses/programs:


Paraprofessional, 2 yrs: Associate Degree in Mine Technology (Geoscience); Associate Degree in Mine Technology (Mining); Associate Degree in Mine Technology (Mine Surveying); Associate Degree in Mine Technology (Mineral Processing)

Bachelor of Science, 3 yrs: BSc (Mining); BSc (Extractive Metallurgy); BSc (Mine & Engineering Surveying); BSc (Mineral Exploration & Mining Geology); BSc (Hons) (Mineral Exploration & Mining Geology); BSc (Cartography); BSc (Geographic Information Science); BSc (Applied Geology); BSc (Geophysics)

Bachelor of Engineering, 4 yrs: BEng (Mining Engineering); BEng (Minerals Engineering); BEng (Environmental Engineering); BEng (Mining Geology); BEng (Mining Geological Engineering)

Bachelor of Surveying, 4 yrs

Double degrees, 5 yrs: BEng, Bcom, BSc, BSurv, BSoc


Graduate certificates, 1 semester in: Mineral Economics; Mine Planning & Design; Mining Geomechanics; Geographic Information Science

Graduate diplomas, 2 semesters in: Mining; Metallurgy; Mining Geology; Mineral Exploration Geoscience; Exploration Geophysics; Geographic Information Science; Surveying and Mapping

Masters: Mining Engineering (MEng or MSc); Minerals Engineering (MEng or MSc); Mineral Economics (MSc); Energy Economics & Management (MSc); Combined Mineral Economics and Business Administration (MSc, MBA); Mine Planning & Design (MEngSc); Mining Geomechanics (MEngSc); Geographic Information Science; Surveying and Mapping; Geoscience Exploration; Geology; Applied Geology; Geophysics; PhD programs available in all academic areas

For further details on courses visit http://, also see for information provided to school leavers in relation to entry to undergraduate courses

No. of first year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 140 (est.)

No. of first year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 300 (est.)

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: Over 600 (65% undergraduate and 35% postgraduate)

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: Over 1000 (est.)

Key department contacts: Professor Paul Dunn, Director WASM; Associate Professor Don Ibana, Head of Minerals Engineering & Extractive Metallurgy (; Dr Emmanuel Chanda, Head of Mining Engineering (; Dr Ian Fitzsimons, Head of Applied Geology (; Professor Philip Maxwell, Head of Mineral Economics & Mine Management (; Associate Professor Bert Veenendaal, Head of Spatial Sciences (; Dr Anton Kepic, Head of Exploration Geophysics (


The Registrar, James Cook University, Townsville QLD 4811, Australia

University name: James Cook University

Department name: School of Earth and Environmental Sciences

2008 courses/programs: Certificate in Science (Earth Science)*, Bachelor of Science: Major in Geology & Economic Geology; Major in Environmental Earth Science*, Bachelor of Science with honours: Qualification in Economic Geology (supported by the MCA); Qualification in Geology; Qualification in Earth Science*; Master of Applied Science in Minerals Geoscience (supported by MCA, collaborative with UTas and UWA); Master of Science (by research)*; Doctor of Philosophy*

All programs available at Townsville Campus, * denotes also available at Cairns campus

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 192

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: down 2% on 2007

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 258

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: less than 258 (2007 numbers)

Key department contact: Professor NHS Oliver, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Townsville campus, Ph: (07) 4781 5049, Fax: (07) 4725 1501


South Street, Murdoch WA 6150, Australia

Department name: Mineral Science & Extractive Metallurgy

2008 courses/programs: BEng in Metallurgical Engineering (4 yrs); BSc in Mineral Science (3 yrs); Graduate Diploma in Extractive Metallurgy (1 yr); MSc in Extractive Metallurgy (1 yr, coursework)

For details on courses visit

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 32

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 30

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 75

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: 75 (est.)

Key department contact: Nimal Subasinghe, Program Chair in Extractive Metallurgy, Mineral Science & Extractive Metallurgy Program, Email:, Ph: (08) 9360 2568, Fax: (08) 9360 6343

COMMENTS The enrolment numbers for 2008 cannot be determined yet as the intake was common with engineering.


2 George Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia

Department name: School of Natural Resource Sciences

2008 courses/programs: Bachelor of Applied Science majoring in Geoscience with an Applied Geology or Environmental Science comajor, 3yrs; BSc Honours program, 1 yr

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: Unknown (Science students do not have to declare their major until the end of first year)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: ~20 majors

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: ~70

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: ~70

Key department contact: Dr. Gary Huftile, Geoscience Coordinator, School of Natural Resource Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane QLD 4001, Ph: (07) 3138 4470, Fax: (07) 3864 1535, Email:


GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia

Department name: School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering

2008 courses/programs: Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate in Geological Engineering; Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 3 in Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate in Geological, 25 in Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 3 in Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate in Geological, 25 in Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental)

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 105

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: 105

Key department contact: Professor Mike Xie, Head of Department, The Discipline of Civil and Environmental Engineering

COMMENTS Note that the School refers to the School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering. Geology is only taught in a part of this – The Discipline of Civil and Environmental Engineering – of which Prof Mike Xie is HoD.


SA 5005, Australia

Department name: School of Earth and Environmental Sciences

2008 courses/programs: BSc (3 yrs + 1 yr honours), Major in Geology, Geophysics & Environmental Geoscience; BSc (Petroleum Geoscience)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 484

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 671 (estimated, based on trends from 2002-2007)

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 1138

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: 1599

Key department contact: Associate Professor Graham Heinson, Head of Geology and Geophysics, Ph: (08) 8303 5377, Fax : (08) 303 4347, Email:


PO Box 663, Ballarat VIC 3353, Australia

Department name: School of Science and Engineering

2008 courses/programs: Bachelor of Engineering Science (Mining Engineering), 3 yrs; Master of Engineering Technology (Mining Engineering),18mths*; Master of Engineering Systems (Mining Engineering),2yrs; Bachelor of Applied Science (Metallurgy); Bachelor of Applied Science (Geology); Graduate Diploma of Mining; Master of Mining Engineering, 18mths

* Entrant must have completed Bachelor of Engineering Science (Mining Engineering)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 120

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 120

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 500

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: 500

Key department contact: Dr Michael Tuck, Associate Professor of Mining Engineering, Ph: (03) 9327 9106, Email:


School of Earth Sciences, McCoy Building, Cnr Swanston & Elgin Streets, Parkville VIC 3010, Australia

Department name: School of Earth Sciences

2008 courses/programs: Bachelor of Science, 3 yrs (majors in either Geology or Atmosphere & Ocean Science); Bachelor of Science with Honours, 4 yrs; Postgraduate Certificate, 1 semester; Postgraduate Diploma, 1 yr; Master of Earth Sciences (coursework), 1-2 yrs depending upon background; Master of Science (research), 2-3 yrs;

Doctor of Philosophy, 3-4 yrs

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 180

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 180 (est.)

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 280 undergraduate, 20 Honours and postgraduate coursework, 35 PhD

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: The total number of enrolments in 2008 is anticipated to be very similar to 2007, although Honours/Postgraduate coursework enrolments appear have settled at 26 (at the time of going to press)

Key department contacts: Bachelor of Science – Associate Professor Stephen Gallagher, Ph: (03) 8344 6513, Email:; Bachelor of Science (Hons) and postgraduate coursework programs – Associate Professor Kevin Walsh, Ph: (03) 8344 6523, Email:; Doctor of Philosophy/Masters by research – Dr Todd Lane, Ph: (03) 8344 6516, Email:; general enquiries – Kerry Grieser, Ph: (03) 8344 9866, Email:

COMMENTS The School of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne is proud to be supported by the Minerals Council of Australia ‘MTEC’ program. We host the office of the CEO for the pmd*CRC, represent the Melbourne node of the CODES Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits, and have a strong track record in collaborative teaching and sharing of research facilities, first established under the banner of the Victorian Institute of Earth and Planetary Sciences (VIEPS). The VIEPS teaching program remains strong and supports our Honours and postgraduate coursework programs with many industry participants either enrolled in short courses or involved in their delivery (see


Armidale NSW 2351, Australia

Department name: School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management

2008 courses/programs: Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Environmental Science, Bachelor of Geoscience

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: ~ 75-80

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: ~ 100

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: ~ 32 EFSTU in all Geology units (~ 240 individual enrolments in units)

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: ~ 34 EFTSU in all Geology units (~ 260 individual enrolments in units)

Key department contacts: Dr John Paterson, Lecturer in Geology, Ph: (02) 6773 2101, Email:

COMMENTS There is a collaborative teaching strategy with the University of Newcastle in order to adequately cover Geology unit offerings. As from 2008, about two-thirds of the Geology units will be taught at the University of Newcastle and about one-third at the University of New England.


Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

Department name: School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences (Faculty of Science)

2008 courses/programs: BSc (Geology), 3yrs + 1 yr honours; BSc (Advanced Geoscience), 4 yrs; Bachelor of Environmental Science (Earth Science), 4 yrs; postgraduate level courses including Master of Science & Technology in Groundwater Resources

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 142

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 150 (est., not known until August 2008)

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 280 (est.)

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: 300 (est.)

Key department contacts: Dr David Cohen, Head of School, Ph: (02) 9385 8084; Email:; Dr Paul Lennox, Ph: (02) 9385 8096, Email:

COMMENTS Geoscience program incorporates ‘classic’ geological subjects, physical geography and spatial information systems

Department name: School of Mining Engineering

2008 courses/programs:

Undergraduate: Bachelor of Engineering (Mining Engineering), 4 yrs

Postgraduate: Graduate Certificate in Mining Engineering, 1yr min, 2yr max; Graduate Diploma in Mining Engineering, 1yr min, 2yr max; Graduate Diploma in Mine Ventilation, 1 yr part-time; Graduate Diploma in Coal Mine Strata Control, 1.5 yrs part-time; Master of Mining Engineering (Geomechanics), 1 yr min, 3 yrs max; Master of Mining Engineering (Mining Management), 1 yr min, 3 yrs max; Master of Engineering (ME) 1.5-3 yrs full-time/part-time research degree; Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 3-5 yrs full-time/part-time research degree; plus a range of continuing professional development short courses for industry

For further information on courses visit:

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 55 (est.)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 70 (est.)

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 180 undergraduate, 120 postgraduate

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: 230 undergraduate, 150 postgraduate

Key department contacts: Undergraduate – Dr Paul Hagan (; Postgraduate – Associate Professor David Laurence (; school management and general school inquiries – Professor Bruce Hebblewhite (

COMMENTS UNSW is part of a national joint venture - Mining Education Australia - providing 3rd and 4th year undergraduate mining engineering education at UNSW, UQ and WASM. Opportunities exist for students from other disciplines (such as Civil Engineering) to transfer into 3rd year of the MEA Program. For further details, visit


Callaghan NSW 2308, Australia

Department name: School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Discipline of Earth Sciences

2008 courses/programs: Bachelor of Science (Earth Sciences), 3 yrs + 1 yr honours; Bachelor of Environmental Science & Management, 3yrs + 1 yr honours

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: ~130

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: Unknown as yet

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 200

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: Unknown as yet

Key department contacts: Dr Philip Geary, Head, Discipline of Earth Sciences, Ph: (02) 4921 6726, Fax: (02) 4921 6925, Email:; Dr Bill Landenberger, Discipline of Earth Sciences, Ph: (02) 4921 6366, Fax: (02) 4921 6925, Email:


Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia

Department name: School of Physical Sciences, Discipline of Earth Sciences

2008 courses/programs: BSc (Geology), 3 yrs + 1 yr honours; BSc (Earth Sciences) 3 yrs + 1 yr honours; BSc (Exploration Geophysics), 3 yrs + 1 yr honours; postgraduate coursework in Mineral Resources (Exploration); Graduate Certificate in Mineral Resources, 6mths; Graduate Diploma in Mineral Resources, 1 yr; Master of Mineral Resources, 1.5-2 yrs; Master of Philosophy, 1 yr; Doctor of Philosophy, 3-4 yrs

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 500 (est.)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: Not known

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 775 (est.)

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: Not known

Key department contacts: Undergraduate – Dr Kurt Knesel, Earth Sciences, Ph: (07) 3365 9779, Email:; Postgraduate – Associate Professor Paulo Vasconcelos, Earth Sciences, Ph: (07) 3365 2297, Email:

Department name: Division of Metallurgical Engineering, School of Engineering

2008 courses/programs: BE (Chemical and Metallurgical) double major

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 20

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 20

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 80

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: 80

Key department contact: Professor Peter Hayes, Frank White Building (43), Ph: (07) 3365 3551, Fax (07) 3365 3888, Email:

COMMENTS UQ has a common first year for all engineering. The double major in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering is a 4-year program.

St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia

Department name: School of Engineering

2007 courses/programs: Mining program

2008 courses/programs: Mining program

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 190 (80 in Year 2, 55 in Year 3, 55 in Year 4)

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: Not known

Key department contact: Dr Mehmet Kizil, Ph: (07) 3365 4499, Email:

COMMENTS UQ does not enrol mining students in first year (UQ has a common first year for all engineering students)


Private Bag 79, Hobart TAS 7001, Australia

Department name: School of Earth Sciences and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits (CODES)

2008 courses/programs: BSc, 3 yrs; BSc with honours (Economic Geology), 4 yrs; BSc with honours (Geophysics), 4 yrs; BSc with honours (Geochemistry), 4 yrs; Master of Economic Geology, 2 yrs; Master of Exploration Geoscience, 2 yrs; Master of Science, 2 yrs; PhD, 3-4yrs

For further course details visit

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 120

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: Not known

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 250

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: Not known

Key department contact: Professor J. Bruce Gemmell, School of Earth Sciences, Ph: (03) 6226 2893, Email:


35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Australia

Department name: School of Earth and Geographical Sciences

2008 courses/programs: BSc (Geology), 3 yrs + 1 yr honours; BSc in Mineral Geoscience (Specialised Program), 4 yrs; BSc in Petroleum Geoscience (Specialised Program), 4 yrs; BSc in Geology & Resource Economics (Specialised Program), 4 yrs; BSc (Environmental Geoscience), 3 yrs + 1 yr honours; BSc in Earth Science (Specialised Program) with majors in Geology, Geoscience, Earth Science Chemistry, GIS and Environmental Management, Physical Geography, Land and Water Management, and Soil Science, 3 yrs + 1 yr honours; BSc in Geochemistry, 3 yrs + 1 yr honours; BSc in Physical Science with major in Geology, 3 yrs + 1 yr honours; BSc in Geology and Resource Economics, 4 yrs; Combined BSc/BComm (Geology), 4 yrs + 1 yr honours, 4.5 yrs + 1 yr honours; Combined BSc/B Law (Geology), 4 yrs + 1 yr honours, 4.5 yrs + 1yr honours; Combined BSc/B Econ (Geology), 4 yrs + 1 yr honours, 4.5 yrs + 1 yr honours; Combined BSc/Arts (Geology), 4.5 yrs + 1 yr honours

Postgraduate: Graduate Diploma in Ore Deposit Geology and Evaluation, 1 yr full time; Graduate Diploma in Geology, 1 yr full time; Graduate Diploma in Hydrogeology, 1 yr full time; Graduate Diploma in Land Rehabilitation, 1 yr full time; Master of Science in Ore Deposit Geology and Evaluation, 18mths full time; Master of Science in Land Rehabilitation, 1 yr full time; Master of Science by research, 2 yrs standard full time; PhD 3 yrs standard full time

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: ~ 200 in Earth and Environment: Dynamic Planet; 100 in Earth and Environment: Geological Perspectives

NB: It is not possible to identify the number of Geology major students at first-year level because they are combined with other majors in these units.

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: Not known

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: ~ 160 full-time equivalents (est. based on major units taken in each of years 1 to 3 plus 12 students enrolled in Geology honours)

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: Not known

Key department contact: Associate Professor David Haig, Deputy Head, School of Earth and Geographical Sciences

Department name: School of Civil and Resource Engineering

2008 courses/programs: BE in Mining Engineering (can be combined with other degrees); BE in Chemical and Process Engineering with Mineral Processing Major (can be combined with other degrees)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: NA

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: NA. 30 will start second year of BE Mining Engineering in 2008

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 63 excluding first-year students

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: 86 excluding first-year students

Key department contact: Richard Durham, Associate Professor, Mining Engineering, School of Civil and Resource Engineering, Mailbag M051, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009 (CRICOS Provider No. 00126G). Ph: (08) 6488 3087

COMMENTS First-year BE students do a common year, only specifying their major at start of their second year


Wollongong NSW 2522, Australia

Department name: School of Earth and Environmental Sciences

2008 courses/programs: Bachelor of Science (Geology), Bachelor of Science (Geosciences), Bachelor of Environmental Science, Bachelor of Science (Environment)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 144 (est.)

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: 144 (est.)

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 200 (est.)

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: 200 (est.)

Key department contact: Professor Lesley Head, Head, School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Ph: (02) 4221 3124, Fax: (02) 4221 4250, Email:

Department name: School of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering

2008 courses/programs: Bachelor of Engineering (Mining), 4 yrs; BE (Civil/Mining), 5 yrs; BE (Mining/Environmental), 5yrs

Double degree combinations include BE/Bachelor of Commerce and BE/Bachelor of Science. For further course details visit

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2007 courses: 35

No. of first-year students enrolled in 2008 courses: ~ 30

Total no. of enrolments in 2007: 100

Total no. of enrolments in 2008: ~ 105 including postgraduate students

Key department contact: Associate Professor Ernest Baafi, Ph: (02) 4221 3031, Email:

COMMENTS Dr Jan Nemcik, formerly with Strata Control Technology, Wollongong has joined the mining academic staff.

Data courtesy Australia's Mining Monthly


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