The Arnco product is a two-part urethane substance pumped in liquid form into the tyre via a valve stem.
The product solidifies in the tyre after a 24-hour curing time to the given pressure of the tyre. This creates a solid tyre with similar ride characteristics as a pneumatic tyre, but with non-puncture capabilities and maximum tyre life.
Bearcat’s Richard Blacker said the product consisted of three types of material: Heavi duty, Repneu and Superflex. “Heavi duty” was for big loads with minimum deflection, Repneu for normal deflection and Superflex for maximum deflection. Superflex is the soft material that acts as the shock absorber, giving the solid tyre air-filled qualities.
“We have been testing Superflex for the last four years and are now seeing results where the product is providing a real boost for underground coal mining,” Blacker said. “The Arnco tyre flat-proofing eliminates 100% of punctures. If you happen to badly damage a tyre underground, normally you can get by to the end of the shift with the tyre and urethane core.”
Flat-proofing had been used on underground mining vehicles with favourable results over the past 30 years. “These customers are more than satisfied with the product and believe it is the best tyre flat-proofing available anywhere in the world," Blacker said.
Bearcat also supplies Solideal Lifemaster and Hauler tyres designed to suit underground personnel carriers. The Lifemaster tyre is a non-directional tyre which has a tread depth of up to 35mm.
The company has also recently taken on board a new supplier with the first shipment received mid-year. The Chinese Tianli tyre is a heavy-duty tyre ideal for loaders and shuttle cars. Published in Australia's Longwalls, September edition.