10. AFC Creep
Definition: The migration of the AFC towards the maingate or tailgate.
Causes: Direction of push, gradient, misalignment, poor face management.
Frequency: Quite common.
Risks to machinery: Mainly operational problems: binding of supports, broken equipment, loss of roof control, inability to cut out at ends.
Risks to people: Small.
Remedy: Training and good face management.
9. Excessive Water
Definition: Beyond normal requirements: mud, pools, free running water.
Causes: Leaking pipes and hoses, strata water, inefficient water sprays, broken pumps poor water management.
Frequency: Quite common.
Risks to machinery: Bogging of machinery, damage to electrical equipment.
Risks to people: Stumbling and slipping accidents, drowning.
Remedy: Training and good water management plan.
8. Horizon Control
Definition: “That which everything else must follow”
Causes: Operator error, lack of training, blunt picks, poor drum design, poor management.
Risks to machinery: Damage to AFC dog bones and drive frames, inability to advance AFC, potential for drum contacting support canopies.
Risks to people: Small.
Frequency: Common.
Remedy: Training, new technology (auto steering), cowls, good face management.
7. Dust
Definition: Particles of matter, the result of disintegration.
Causes: Blunt picks, transfer points, poor ventilation, poor suppression.
Risks to machinery: Small.
Risks to people: High risk through respirable dust.
Frequency: Respirable dust is well controlled but nuisance dust (particles you can see) are still common in most coal mines.
Remedy: Effective dust monitoring, well maintained equipment and effective dust suppression.
6. Attitude
Definition: Tendency to respond positively or negatively to an idea, object, person, which influences ability to succeed.
Causes: Interaction between people, management and workforce and invariably the other shift is always at fault.
Frequency: Common.
Remedy: Good team work.
5. Maintenance
Definition: Actions performed to retain an item in a specified condition, including periodic inspection, detection, condition monitoring, calibration, and critical item replacement to prevent incipient failures.
Causes of poor maintenance: Poor maintenance is directly related to poor management, lack of funds.
Risks to machinery: High.
Risks to people: High.
Remedy: Good face management.
4. Face Alignment
Definition: Whether a longwall is straight… or not.
Cause: Lack of training, poor face management.
Risks to machinery: High, damage to face chain, dog bones, trapping shoes, loss of strata control.
Risks to people: Low (except for loss of strata control).
Frequency: Very Common.
Remedy: Training and good face management.
3. Leg Pressures
Definition: The SET pressure in a support leg.
Causes of low set pressures: Lack of maintenance, defective equipment, poor equipment specification.
Risks to machinery: Potential for loss of strata control and subsequent roof falls.
Risks to people: High in roof falls.
Frequency: Very Common.
Remedy: Education, training, effective maintenance and good face management.
2. Face Training
Definition: Planned activities which support and improve individual and organizational performance and effectiveness.
Causes of poor training: Poor management.
Risks to machinery: High.
Risks to people: High.
Frequency: Very Common.
Remedy: Higher priority for good quality training programmes.
1. Stopping
Definition: The state of inactivity following an interruption. Statistically, roof falls are most likely to occur after a shutdown.
Causes: Coal clearance problems, planned shutdowns, unplanned shutdowns, poor maintenance, poor mine management.
Risks to machinery: High.
Risks to people: Low (except where a roof fall occurs).
Frequency: Very Common.
Remedy: Good longwall management. A longwall is at less risk if run “24/7”