GAG operations manager Marek Romanski revealed the advances at the GAG inertisation seminar in Mackay late last month, attended by mine managers, industry representatives, government departments and research organisation representatives.
Romanski said the QMRS board was considering a plan to have the GAG unit permanently set up on semi-trailer. A semi-trailer means the unit could be transported whole and arrive assembled at the mine site ready for activation. Currently assembly time of the unit, which is transported in parts, cuts into time the GAG could be operating.
Working together with CSIRO, the GAG team are looking to upgrade the unit’s controls. Currently the entire system is controlled from an analogue control panel – a replica of what a pilot would see on a jet plane. Romanski said a new computer controlled system would be ready within 18 months.
The GAG team are also looking to take some of the equipment burden from the mine by manufacturing a T-piece built into the GAG unit. At the moment a mine is required to have a T-piece built into its docking station.
A T-piece is used to block off the inlet which allows exhaust gas entering the mine and instead the gas in blown into the atmosphere whilst the engine is adjusted to get the right gas levels.
QMRS are also looking to make permanent training facilities at the Dysart Airport. Currently the equipment is carted around to mine sites and can incur damage – a permanent training ground will help minimise damage to the equipment.