The House of Representatives transport and regional services committee will look at the capacity of road and rail to handle Australia's freight.
This follows the independent review of transport corridor bottlenecks announced by the prime minister in mid-March.
Meanwhile, pressure continues to grow for more infrastructure funding with the Business Council of Australia (BCA) releasing an infrastructure action plan last week.
BCA president Hugh Morgan said Australia’s infrastructure problems were endemic, not only with export bottlenecks at our ports, but in water, energy, and road and rail transport systems throughout the country.
“We clearly need a new approach,” Morgan said. “Australia as a whole has no plan and no coordinated policy to make sure the country’s infrastructure keeps pace with the economy and meets our higher standards of living.
“The result is a system in widespread disrepair. No one else can resolve these strategic and policy issues but government. It is governments’ job to get resolution and direction without delay.
“Commonwealth, state and local governments need to act to fix existing problems with the nation’s infrastructure and develop new infrastructure to support future growth.”