NIOSH’s Pittsburgh-based Office of Mining and Construction Safety and Health Research redesigned the website to incorporate a significant amount of new safety and health information, plus an improved layout to better serve customers’ needs.
The site also provides background information about the NIOSH Mining Research Program including research awards, core competencies, unique laboratories, community and educational outreach, and a brief discussion of how the research program is structured.
The search capabilities of the website have also been improved. The “Search Mining” feature on each page permits a search of only the NIOSH Mining Safety and Health web site. The user can still search all of NIOSH using the “Search NIOSH” option.
In addition the “Safety and Health Topics” have been expanded and reorganised to make it easier to find information. Each topic page now has a significant amount of new and updated information, as well as links to related topics of interest. All topics can be accessed from the home page.
More than 650 mine safety and health publications are now downloadable from the site. Short summaries let the user quickly identify publications of interest.
The updated website offers more than 120 NIOSH mine safety and health products, including training exercises, toolbox talks, videos, computer software, guides, and checklists. Many these are downloadable or come with instructions on how to obtain copies.
The new web site can be found at Any comments or additional information to Mike Brnich, CMSP, Health Communications Coordinator, NIOSH Pittsburgh Research Laboratory, Cochrans Mill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, phone: (412) 386-6840, fax: (412) 386-6780, Email: