Specialist engineers in most need

RECRUITMENT researcher Hays says specialist engineers will be among Australian mining's most want...

Justin Niessner
Specialist engineers in most need

In its resources and mining “hotspots” report for January-March, Hays noted demand would be most acute for engineers specialising in safety, reliability, business improvement, mechanical, electrical and mining engineering.

“Although there has been a slight up-swing in hiring, we don’t foresee the resources industry returning to the boom days in the near future,” the report said.

“We are not seeing a drop in salaries, but offers are at the lower end of the spectrum.

“Despite a continued lull in hiring across the mining industry, pockets of activity in some areas around the states are having a positive influence on hiring decisions.

“Employers are ideally looking for local candidates who can drive-in drive-out to site as FIFO is too expensive and coal production companies are still cutting costs in Queensland.”

In Western Australia, Hays tracked an increase in recruitment over the past few months due to an increase in demand from the iron ore industry.

This shift in experience shortage from gold to iron includes a higher demand for process engineers, crusher operators, mining engineers and supervisors in the state.

The Northern Territory, meanwhile, has seen an increase in demand for trades and labour candidates from mining contractors.

This quarter is expected to result in an increase in NT candidates due to Rio Tinto‘s decision last November to suspend its alumina refinery operations in Gove.

There are currently 1500 employed at the refinery.

In Queensland, maintenance planners in regional centres such as the Bowen Basin are in increased demand as companies are looking to reduce their FIFO workforce.

Other positions identified as being in shortage for the first quarter included experienced shutdown planners.

“Most candidates opt for maintenance planning over shutdown planning due to the high pressure and fast turnaround times involved with shutdowns,” Hays said.

“However, quality shutdown planning is a crucial skill-set and is always in demand.”


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