Published in the September 2014 Australia’s Mining Monthly
According to the Mines Safety and Inspection Act, employers must provide personnel with adequate instruction and training in safety procedures at work.
Brand technology agency Dash Digital believes inductions are the best way of delivering this training.
Responding to this, the Perth-based company has launched a cloud-based, eLearning (electronic) training and induction platform that allows users to create and edit video lessons for new staff.
Dash Digital CEO Russell Francis said Velpic reduces the time to train staff by up to 75% and “relieves” the trainer of repetitive tasks.
“Velpic will save you money from the very first day, dramatically reducing the time to train while improving comprehension,” Francis said.
“Within a single tool, Velpic allows you to create and edit video lessons, and schedule and distribute staff training. It automatically records who was trained, what was learnt, when it was done and which version was viewed.
“Viewing Velpic’s video lessons simultaneously increases comprehension and retention of the subject matter by 51% compared with reading traditional printed training material.”
Human resources and training staff onsite can categorise and schedule induction and training programs, follow-up on missed sessions and view results from new staff.
Velpic’s video lessons are broken down into chapters. As the user creates presentations, they can build libraries that cover a range of topics such as operational sites, policies, procedures and human resources information.
These chapters can include images, text, voice, links, video and sound files.
As Velpic is hosted in the cloud, it can be delivered to almost anyone worldwide, with internet connectivity, across multiple devices.
No hardware, software security, back-ups or maintenance is required by Velpic, with all upgrades provided by Dash Digital at no extra cost. Users of Velpic include Mineral Resources, Alcoa, Monadelphous and Mount Gibson Iron.