The Department’s assessment has found that the project would be able to comply with the relevant air, noise and blasting criteria at the Coolmore and Woodlands studs.
Anglo has previously reduced the proposed mine life by five years as part of revisions to the project since the New South Wales Planning Assessment Commission rejected it in October for lacking an environmental buffer to nearby horse studs.
Anglo retrenched 45 at the Drayton mine in February, blaming delays in getting approval for the extension project.
The extension project will provide another 15 years of mining at a rate of 6 million tonnes per annum run of mine.
Anglo American Drayton South project director Rick Fairhurst said the recommendation validated the detailed scientific assessments and peer-reviewed reports contained in the project’s Environmental Impact Statement.
“The Department’s preliminary recommendation agrees with Anglo American’s detailed and peer reviewed assessments which found the project will have no adverse effects on the health of horses on the Coolmore and Woodlands Studs,” Fairhurst said.
The report also states: “The Department now considers that the scientific evidence supports a view that the project would not result in adverse impacts on the health of horses residing either permanently or temporarily at the studs.
“It has also found that the project is unlikely to have any significant impacts in the quantity or quality of water used by either of the two studs. Consequently, the Department has concluded that the project is unlikely to have any significant physical impacts on the studs, and would certainly not affect the physical capability or suitability of the site to be used for horse breeding…Anglo (American’s) changes to the mine plan are wholly consistent with the Commission’s recommendations, and there would be no direct views of the mining operations from the ‘core operations’ of either of the studs.”
Fairhurst said there are no valid scientific arguments to contradict the findings of Anglo American’s Equine Health Impact Assessment report and the Department’s preliminary recommendation effectively confirms this.
“Anglo American and our 500-strong workforce at the existing Drayton operation are pleased with the clear signal the DPE has sent the Planning Assessment Commission: Drayton South should go ahead,” he said.
Anglo American is looking forward to the upcoming PAC hearing in Denman on 10 September, Fairhurst said.
“Given the DPE has recommended the project for approval, we trust the PAC will be guided by its assessment in its deliberations,” he said.
“We are mindful of the stress ongoing uncertainty around Drayton South puts on our workers,their families, our 140 suppliers and the community, which is overwhelmingly in favour of the project.
“As the Department notes in the Assessment Report, the EIS attracted more than 4,100submissions – more than 4,000 from members of the community.
“None of the 13 public authorities objected to the project, and 98% of the public submissions supported the project.”