AusPac CEO John Robinson Jr said the estimate confirms that Dartbrook is one of the largest under developed coal operations in the Hunter Valley.
“It reaffirms our long-held belief that Dartbrook is a tier one mining asset that has the potential to create a significant number of job opportunities for the local community,” he said.
“The high quality of Dartbrook’s coal will also help meet global demand for low ash Australian premium thermal coal, which will continue to play a critical role in meeting future energy needs.”
On a 100% Project basis, the CRE, which was carried out by JB Mining, comprises 466 million tonnes and 449Mt in the Measured and Indicated categories respectively, a total of 915Mt, based on area that avoids the Hunter River alluvium and Kayuga village to a maximum depth of 350m.
Coal quality analysis demonstrates the ability to produce a range of thermal coal products between 10% to 18% ash on an air dried basis and there is also potential to produce an 8% ash adb PCI product from the Kayuga and Piercefield seams.
Subject to the relevant approvals, there is potential for long mine life, low stripping ratio (5:1 vertical coal tonnes to waste BCM) open cut mining operation, the company said in a statement.